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NCAE Elections and NEA Delegates voting

NCAE Elections / CCAE Delegates to NEA

You will have an opportunity to vote through March 31, 2014  until 11:59 p.m.

 You can vote for NCAE Officers and NEA Director (CCAE endorsed Tripp Jeffers). Also on the ballot are CCAE delegates to the NEA Convention.  




1. Go to any computer that has internet connection.

2. Log in to the safe and secure voting site:

· Your Username = your first name + full last name

Example:  DiamondPearl

· Your Password = NCAE individual ID

3. Once logged in, you are eligible to vote on any ballot listed for you

4. Click on the ballot and follow the voting instructions

To request assistance, please contact Derevana Leach at

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Decline to Sign Update

According to Dr. Till, step two of our process to implement the Excellence in Education Act bonus to 25%

of our eligible teachers is finished. We verified our eligibility list and had every teacher check it for accuracy.

Teachers were given an opportunity to not be a part of the process. The following are our statistics.

2524 Teaches were eligible by the verification of the Alpha list.

Twenty nine teachers asked that their status be reviewed. Twelve were added to the Alpha List and

Twenty nine were not eligible.

Of the 2524 teachers on the Alpha List, 1, 358 signed individual forms requesting the their name be

removed from the list. The number removed represented 54% of the eligible teachers.


We can increase this number if others Decline to Sign when offered the contract.  Encourage teachers to Decline to Sign and stop the demoralization of teachers in NC!

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Lottery Money? What Lottery Money??

Education Lottery

The NC “Education” Lottery

You’ve probably seen the commercials that show all the wonderful things made possible by this so called Education Lottery.

So how much does Cumberland County receive????

2009-2010:   8.7 million

2010-2011:   4.2 million

2011-2012:   3.3 million

2012-2013:   3.4 million

2013-2014:   1.7 million


Education Lottery Money

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2014 Teacher Working Conditions Survey

The TWC Survey is an anonymous statewide survey of licensed school-based educators to assess teaching conditions at the school, district and state level. It is administered by the New Teacher Center in partnership with NCAE, the North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Initiative and the NC Department of Public Instruction.

The survey is now live.  March 10 through April 4, 2014

Once you receive your access code, you can visit to take the survey, view survey questions, or read about the research. You will also be able to track real-time response rates for your school. The survey is available 24 hours a day.

   Help is available if you misplace your access code or don’t receive one. Just e-mail the Help Desk at or call 1-800-310-2964 to request a new one.

   Please take the time to participate in this survey and encourage your colleagues to do the same.  Your responses will be instrumental in shaping education policy to improve conditions for teaching and learning in your school, district and throughout the state. If you have any questions or need additional information, please visit the NCAE Web site,

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CCS Board of Ed Considers a Resolution to Oppose the 25% Contracts

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Time to wash to Red T-Shirts!!! You will need them Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at the Cumberland County School Board Meeting.
They will be considering a resolution to opposed the 25% CONTRACTS!
If you need a T-shirt, stop by the office on Monday, between 4:30 and 6 pm!
The Board Meeting is usually at the Central Services Board Room, located at 2465 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC.
If we show up in force… they may move it to ERC.
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Preparing for 2014 NCAE Constitutional Convention

What:  5B Caucus Meeting and Dinner

When:  Thursday March 6@ 5:00pm

Where:  Cumberland County Schools Educational Resource Center Room3

369 Elementary Drive  Fayetteville, NC

Who:  All Delegates for the 2014 NCAE Constitutional Convention

March 21-22, 2014

Hickory, NC

Information for this very important convention will be distributed at this meeting.  A time for discussion, Q & A, as well as meeting with a representative from out state officers.

RSVP to Teresa Davis by Monday March 3rd

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Moral Monday Comes to Fayetteville

Moral Monday coming to Fayetteville

All we know so far, is that it is scheduled for Monday, February 17, 2014.  It may begin at4:30 pm.  The NAACP is trying to get Rowan Park as the location.  As details become available, we will let you know.


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Take the NCSCS Survey

DPI Survey

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction would like to hear from teachers across the state about the NC Standard Course of Study professional development strategies and implementation.


The NCDPI conducted a similar survey in January 2013.  We hope to ensure that the information we gather from these surveys will inform our provision of development and support for NC public school teachers.


Please take a moment to complete this brief survey.  The survey will close at 5 pm on Friday, Feb. 14.  Thank you!

DPI Survey