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CCS Board of Ed Considers a Resolution to Oppose the 25% Contracts

Ladies and Gentlemen;

Time to wash to Red T-Shirts!!! You will need them Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at the Cumberland County School Board Meeting.
They will be considering a resolution to opposed the 25% CONTRACTS!
If you need a T-shirt, stop by the office on Monday, between 4:30 and 6 pm!
The Board Meeting is usually at the Central Services Board Room, located at 2465 Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, NC.
If we show up in force… they may move it to ERC.
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Preparing for 2014 NCAE Constitutional Convention

What:  5B Caucus Meeting and Dinner

When:  Thursday March 6@ 5:00pm

Where:  Cumberland County Schools Educational Resource Center Room3

369 Elementary Drive  Fayetteville, NC

Who:  All Delegates for the 2014 NCAE Constitutional Convention

March 21-22, 2014

Hickory, NC

Information for this very important convention will be distributed at this meeting.  A time for discussion, Q & A, as well as meeting with a representative from out state officers.

RSVP to Teresa Davis by Monday March 3rd

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Moral Monday Comes to Fayetteville

Moral Monday coming to Fayetteville

All we know so far, is that it is scheduled for Monday, February 17, 2014.  It may begin at4:30 pm.  The NAACP is trying to get Rowan Park as the location.  As details become available, we will let you know.


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Take the NCSCS Survey

DPI Survey

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction would like to hear from teachers across the state about the NC Standard Course of Study professional development strategies and implementation.


The NCDPI conducted a similar survey in January 2013.  We hope to ensure that the information we gather from these surveys will inform our provision of development and support for NC public school teachers.


Please take a moment to complete this brief survey.  The survey will close at 5 pm on Friday, Feb. 14.  Thank you!

DPI Survey 

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Decline to Sign

The Time to Act is Now…

The Association Representatives in each building were sent petitions for teachers (members and/or nonmembers) to sign to decline those 4 year contracts if offered.  It is time for teachers to stand up for the kids they teach and for each other. It is also time for teachers to stand up to the General Assembly!


First give Teachers a raise, then let’s talk about how to reward excellent instruction.  Spending $20 in 2008 is like spending $21.64 today.   That’s an 8.2% increase.  Ok, so we got a 1.12% raise in the past 5 years.  So, educators deserve at least a 7.08% raise just to keep pace with inflation.


Sign to Decline in your building, if not, you can come to the CCAE officeMonday – Thursday (4:30 pm – 6:00 pm) and sign the petition. Please do this before February 7, 2014.

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Petition to Raise Teacher Pay


Stand with GovernorHunt and raise teacher pay

North Carolina’s teacher pay has put our schools in crisis. Many of NC’s best teachers are leaving the profession or going to work in other states where they can earn higher salaries. If we believe in our state motto “to be rather than to seem,” now is the time to aim high and make the changes necessary to ensure our public education system remains strong and keeps dedicated, caring, competent educators in our state.
Call for a bigger, bolder plan to raise teacher pay and sign his petition:


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New Policy regarding Substitutes

Substitutes are only allowed to work 28 hours per week.  This is due to theAffordable Health Care Act requiring the district to provide health insurance. I have inquired about retirees that subsitute… they already have health insurance… will they be exempt from this policy.  I do have an unconfirmed report from a retiree that the new policy does not apply to her. I hope to hear from the administration to confirm this.