Posted in news

October AR Meeting

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Clay Aiken will be at our next Association Representative meeting on Tuesday, October 28, 2014.
We hope you will attend.  He is scheduled to speak at the beginning of our meeting at 4:30 pm.
Please try to attend this meeting at the E.R.C.
Posted in Member Benefits

NCAE Professional Learning Days

NCAE will again host Regional Professional Learning Days in an effort to ensure that our members receive the most current, relevant and effective support in their work as education professionals.  With tracks for classroom teachers, college students and beginning teachers, National Board Certified Teachers who wish to work with candidates, and Association leaders, there is sure to be a connection for every aspect of the work of public school employees.  Sessions are held across the state, with the agenda for fall and spring events being the same at each location.  We look forward to seeing you, working with you as you grow professionally, and continuing to meet the needs of today’s educators!

Register now!

Posted in FYI, news

Retirement Limitations Myth Exposed

Is there a limitation on the time someone receives retirement?
In other words… is there a set number of years that someone can collect their retirement?  (For example 30 years).
So, if you retire at 60, then your retirement will run out at 90 years of age?
NO!   Your retirement is for life.  Your beneficiary may receive  your pension, or a portion, depending on the option you selected when retiring.
I f have any questions regarding retirement, please contact:
Marge Foreman, NCAE, (919)522-7312


Posted in news

Mark Your Calendars


  • October 10 – Voter Registration Deadline
  • October 23 – One-Stop (Early) Voting Begins
  • October 28 – Last Day to Request an Absentee Ballot by Mail
  • November 1 – One-Stop (Early) Voting Ends (1:00 PM)
  • November 4 – Last day to Return an absentee Ballot by Mail (5:00 pm)
Posted in Member Benefits, news

Cash 4 Christmas

How can you get some extra cash for the holiday season? It’s simple – really.
Just ask someone to join CCAE.  They fill out an enrollment form, you sign it and send it to the office.   For every person you enroll, you will receive $10.   At our December Holiday Party, we will issue you a check for the number of new members you signed up!
By the way…
Payroll deduction is still available.   Electronic Bank Draft is also an option.  Membership forms are available by contacting Carol StubbsCCAE membership chair.
Posted in community involvement, news

CCAE Heart Walk Team

The Heart Walk is the American Heart Association’s premiere event for raising funds to save lives from this country’s No. 1 and No. 3 killers – heart disease and stroke. Designed to promote physical activity and heart-healthy living, the Heart Walk creates an environment that’s fun and rewarding for the entire family. Your participation will help us raise even more in our fight to save lives. Walk with friends, family, coworkers or strangers you’ll bond with along the way.

The CCAE Heart Walk Team needs your support!

Contact Carol Stubbs  or click the Heart Walk link for more information on how you can pledge your support for this worthy cause.

The walk is being held on October 11, 2014.

Posted in FYI

Empowerment Comes from Within

Become Empowered!

Take an active role in the Cumberland County Association of Educators.  Please consider serving on one of our committees this school term.
Advocacy:  Advocating for members who need our support
Membership:  Recruiting new members and maintaining our members
Political Action:  Identifying and supporting Public Education Candidates
AR Structure:  Developing Association Representation in every building
Communication:  Keeping the membership and the community informed
Send us an email and let us know which committee you would like to serve on during the 2014-2015 school year: