Posted in news

2022-2023 Early Enrollment is Now Open

Early enrollment carries all of the privileges of full membership in our organization with the exception of legal assistance. During early enrollment, you do not pay any dues but you receive almost all of the benefits. On September 1, 2022, members who participated in early enrollment become eligible for legal assistance for any issues that occur after that date.

To learn more or enroll now, reach out to

Posted in Member Benefits, news

Cash 4 Christmas

How can you get some extra cash for the holiday season? It’s simple – really.
Just ask someone to join CCAE.  They fill out an enrollment form, you sign it and send it to the office.   For every person you enroll, you will receive $10.   At our December Holiday Party, we will issue you a check for the number of new members you signed up!
By the way…
Payroll deduction is still available.   Electronic Bank Draft is also an option.  Membership forms are available by contacting Carol StubbsCCAE membership chair.
Posted in FYI

Empowerment Comes from Within

Become Empowered!

Take an active role in the Cumberland County Association of Educators.  Please consider serving on one of our committees this school term.
Advocacy:  Advocating for members who need our support
Membership:  Recruiting new members and maintaining our members
Political Action:  Identifying and supporting Public Education Candidates
AR Structure:  Developing Association Representation in every building
Communication:  Keeping the membership and the community informed
Send us an email and let us know which committee you would like to serve on during the 2014-2015 school year: