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CCAE Leadership Grades NC Senate Budget

The CCAE leadership team kicked off our planning retreat this morning by grading the NC Senate Budget. We all agreed that it receives an F! Contact your legislators and let them know before it is too late. Take your pictures and share them on our facebook page. Use the twitter hashtag #ncsenatebudgetgetsanF to tweet and retweet your grade.


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CCAE Hosts Education Forum

The 1st education forum hosted by CCAE took place Thursday, May 30th at Headquarters Library. The dialogue centered on arts education and improving communication. This was the first in what we hope will become an ongoing conversation toward improving public education in Cumberland County. Watch the calendar and join us for the next conversation.

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Stand With North Carolina’s Public Schools!

Strong public schools have been a key part of creating the modern North Carolina — a wonderful place to do business and raise a family. Unfortunately, after years of budget cuts, North Carolina’s public schools are in danger.
Join former Congressman and State Superintendent Bob Etheridge and local civic, education and business leaders for a press conference and rally in support of strong public education and opposed to the terrible ideas being proposed in the state legislature. 
What: Stand With North Carolina’s Public Schools!
When: Friday, May 17, at 3PM
WhereSpivey Park, 500 Fisher Street (at Old Wilmington Road), Fayetteville, NC 28301
For more information and to RSVP:
State lawmakers are putting the squeeze on our schools. They want to jam 30 or more students into a classroom. They want fewer teacher assistants. And they want voucher money drained from public schools. Students will have less one-on-one time with their teacher. And students will have fewer resources like technology and text books to make up for it.
But that’s not the attitude that made North Carolina great! Instead let’s invest in Pre-K to give every student the opportunity to start off on the right foot. Let’s hire more teachers and TAs, reduce class size and give every student the one-on-one attention they deserve.
Let’s stop the race to the bottom. In North Carolina, we all have a shared responsibility to build strong public schools for our economy to succeed now and in the future.
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Make a Difference


You can make a difference by taking an active role with the
Cumberland County Association of Educators.

Please consider one of the following committees:

To improve the professional and/or economic conditions of educators by conducting an issue campaign that achieves its objective.

To increase membership by at 200 members. Initiate a membership recruitment/organizing plan.

Political Action
To insure that at least 60% of the membership understand the relationship between politics and school district policy.

Communication (Internal and External)
To insure that both educators and the community see the local as the voice of education in Cumberland County. Further, that the community recognizes the local as a leader in education.

If you are interested in serving on one of the above committees for next school term, please fill out the contact form below before May 30, 2013.

Include the Committee Name and your contact information.

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2013 CCAE Election Results

Congratulations from Cumberland County Association of Educators!
The Results Are In!!!
The following members have been elected to serve as CCAE Officers for 2013-2015:
Joseph Sorce – President
Carol Stubbs- Vice President
Carrol Olinger-Secretary/Treasurer
Janet Coleman-Elementary-at-Large
Congratulations are also in order for the following members elected to serve as our 2013 NEA Delegates:
Sharon McNeil, Wanda Kindell, Joseph Sorce, Brian Freeman, Carrol Olinger, Corine Warren, Carol Stubbs,Janet Coleman
Best regards,
Wanda Kindell
Cumberland County Association of Educators
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PowerSchool is Replacing NCWise

All Certified Staff in CCS should have received an email with log in information and the following professional development info.
As you all know, PowerSchool will be our replacement for NC WISE.  This will be a state-wide student information system that will be implemented at the start of the 2013-14 school year.  In order to provide all certified staff that currently use NC WISE with 1.0 Technology CEU for renewal, we must “blend” the initial course credit to include both online and face-to-face instruction.  So, below you will see a list of courses that have been selected for teaching personnel to complete via PowerSource (online).  Teachers are encouraged to complete these module-style courses and are free to explore other courses.
Online coursework should be completed by the start of the 2013-2014 school year.  Feel free to explore at your own pace.  
In order to receive 1.0 Technology CEU for PowerSchool (awarded during 2013-14 school year), teachers must complete the online “Distance Learning” courses below and the 4 hours of face-to-face training at the start of school.  This is the “blended” solution if teachers want credit.  All teachers are encouraged to explore the classes, even if credit is not desired. The online PowerSource classes will record completion, so no roster submissions are needed.
Teacher Credit: Required Online Courses (Login to PowerSource> Select Training> Select Distance Learning)
PowerTeacher Gradebook:  Getting Started
PowerTeacher Gradebook:  Working with Grades
PowerTeacher Gradebook:  Analysis and Reporting
PowerTeacher Gradebook:  Standards (K-2 Teachers Only)
**Username is your email address.  It will prompt you to set a password after you click on the link in the email invitation.  Save the address to your favorites or bookmark it.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your school’s Data Manager.  If the Data Manager cannot assist you, he/she can submit a WiseHelp workorder or contact the NC WISE Help Desk.
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2013-2014 Professional Development Days

Professional Development Days, 2013-14

Key points for Consideration:

There will be five ½ days of Professional Development provided by system and five ½ days required for in-school planning/collaboration for all schools.  (This was determined through Calendar Committee process.)

Scheduled days for 2013-14 are as follows:

School Calendar Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Year-Round July 15 Sept. 19 Oct. 7 Jan. 6 Feb. 17
Cross Creek, Cumberland International, and Fuller Aug. 1 Sept. 9 Oct. 11 Jan. 3 Feb. 17
Howard Health Aug. 1 Sept. 20 Oct. 11 Feb. 17 Mar. 19
Traditional Aug. 20 Oct. 28 Jan. 21 Feb. 17 Mar. 26

The only teacher workdays are scheduled prior to start of school and at the end of school.  No workdays are scheduled when school is in session.

This schedule would provide for 5 days of content to be provided.

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Voting is Open!


Let your voice be heard.  Voting ends on April 11th!

Here’s How:

1.  Login to the safe and secure voting site:

Your Username= your first name+full last name

(example: DiamondPearl)

Your Password = NCAE individual ID with three leading 000 (zeros)

2. Once logged in, you are eligible to vote on any ballot listed for you

3. Click on the ballot and follow the voting instructions