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Stand With North Carolina’s Public Schools!

Strong public schools have been a key part of creating the modern North Carolina — a wonderful place to do business and raise a family. Unfortunately, after years of budget cuts, North Carolina’s public schools are in danger.
Join former Congressman and State Superintendent Bob Etheridge and local civic, education and business leaders for a press conference and rally in support of strong public education and opposed to the terrible ideas being proposed in the state legislature. 
What: Stand With North Carolina’s Public Schools!
When: Friday, May 17, at 3PM
WhereSpivey Park, 500 Fisher Street (at Old Wilmington Road), Fayetteville, NC 28301
For more information and to RSVP:
State lawmakers are putting the squeeze on our schools. They want to jam 30 or more students into a classroom. They want fewer teacher assistants. And they want voucher money drained from public schools. Students will have less one-on-one time with their teacher. And students will have fewer resources like technology and text books to make up for it.
But that’s not the attitude that made North Carolina great! Instead let’s invest in Pre-K to give every student the opportunity to start off on the right foot. Let’s hire more teachers and TAs, reduce class size and give every student the one-on-one attention they deserve.
Let’s stop the race to the bottom. In North Carolina, we all have a shared responsibility to build strong public schools for our economy to succeed now and in the future.