Teach Like a PIRATE Workshop will be held at UNCP onWednesday, March 11, 2015 in the Givens Performing Arts Center. The University and GPAC’s physical address is: One University Drive, Pembroke NC 28372.
Teach Like PIRATE Flyer 3-11-15 UNCP
This event is sponsored by the School of Education and Project PREP (Partnership for the Retention of Professional Educators), a project funded by the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation.
There is NO COST for attendees. As always, the School of Education and Project PREP provide these outreach sessions for FREE.
It was a great coup to schedule Dave Burgess to come to UNCP! He has been the keynote speaker a numerous recent conferences, including the Elementary School Conference in October and the Association of Middle Level Educators in November. He is booked solid for months. Addition information about Dave can be found in the attached bio and Teach Like a PIRATE description, as well as on his website (http://www.daveburgessconsulting.com/). I’ve also attached some Teach Like a PIRATE posters that were posted online.
Please share the information about this exciting event, put the date on your calendar, and encourage others to attend. GPAC can handle a large audience!
There has been a problem with the email address for pre-registering. Instead use this link for an online registration form: http://tinyurl.com/PREPDaveBurgess.