Posted in news, political action, volunteer opportunity

NCAE Convention ’22 Updates

On March 26-27th, 2022, the following CCAE members took part in the annual NCAE Convention: Heather Kaiser, Peggy Holland-Grantham, Tina Swann-Binaxas, and Tonya Washington. The annual convention is an opportunity to have a voice in the direction of our professional organization. If you have never participated as a delegate, we hope you will consider becoming a delegate in 2023.

During the 52nd annual Convention, we were welcomed by Gov. Roy Cooper and celebrated a generous donation by the North Carolina Fund for Public School Children (NCFPSC) to the Operation Cooperation Service Project. Region 6 once again brought home the PAC banner. Most importantly, we discussed and took action on several constitutional amendments and new business items.

If you’d like to know more about Convention ’22 or how to become a delegate for Convention ’23, click here to contact an officer.

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CCAE is Now Accepting Nominations

We are approaching the time of year when we hold our election of officers and election of delegates to the NCAE and NEA conventions.  Every member is encouraged to take part in this process.  Please take a moment to read the job descriptions for the executive officers and consider nominating or accepting a nomination to fill one of those roles.

When you are ready to complete a nomination form, please have your member number available for both the person making the nomination and the nominee.  If you need assistance locating your member number, please contact

Note: There are 2 separate nomination forms.  One is for CCAE officer and the other is for convention delegate. The NCAE convention is in Wilmington March 20-21 and the NEA convention is in Orlando June 28-July 6.

The floor is open for nominations from January 20-26, 2015.

Elections will be held Jan. 28 – Feb. 4, 2015.  The elections will also be administered electronically.

Members should have received a link to the form in an email, however it can also be accessed through this link:

CCAE Officer Nomination Form – DEADLINE EXTENDED to January 30th at midnight.

Convention Delegate Nomination Form — nominations are closed

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2015 NEA Annual Meeting

Why wait for the CCAE nomination forms to come out when you can seek to be a delegate now?
Jan. 7th is the deadline for completing the NCAE election form. It is really simple to do and if you are elected then you could spend some sunny days in Orlando while representing our local association at the national meeting. What a great opportunity to step up, be a teacher leader, and feel empowered in our profession!
You will need your member number which can be found on your membership card or on the NCAE magazine you receive in the mail. If you still can’t find it, contact and someone will respond as soon as possible.

But HURRY – tomorrow is the deadline!

Here are the important links to find out more.


Delegate Forms