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CCAE is Now Accepting Nominations

We are approaching the time of year when we hold our election of officers and election of delegates to the NCAE and NEA conventions.  Every member is encouraged to take part in this process.  Please take a moment to read the job descriptions for the executive officers and consider nominating or accepting a nomination to fill one of those roles.

When you are ready to complete a nomination form, please have your member number available for both the person making the nomination and the nominee.  If you need assistance locating your member number, please contact

Note: There are 2 separate nomination forms.  One is for CCAE officer and the other is for convention delegate. The NCAE convention is in Wilmington March 20-21 and the NEA convention is in Orlando June 28-July 6.

The floor is open for nominations from January 20-26, 2015.

Elections will be held Jan. 28 – Feb. 4, 2015.  The elections will also be administered electronically.

Members should have received a link to the form in an email, however it can also be accessed through this link:

CCAE Officer Nomination Form – DEADLINE EXTENDED to January 30th at midnight.

Convention Delegate Nomination Form — nominations are closed